Thursday, December 31, 2009

Brittney & Jeanette go to the movies

Here is it New Year's Eve, and I'm home blogging about chipmunks. But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way because I have such a tale of Mother's pride to share with all of you.

Earlier this week we took the girls to see the new Chipmunks movie, and I am serious when I say I couldn't be prouder of my kids then when they told me they wanted to dress-up like the Chipettes (the girl chipmunks) for our screening of Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 - The Squeakquel.

Molly and Kelly spent the entirety of the morning prior to our early afternoon showtime prepping and primping like a bunch of gay guys off to see Madonna play Evita in the mid-1990s.
Here are the girls at the theater:

Kelly with her chipmunk ears

And the fabulous Chipettes themselves.
I think Molly channelled Jeanette (in the purple) incredibly well, whereas Kelly who is not always one to be the front man of the band, really seemed to step-up and make an absolutely believable Brittney (for those of you who haven't seen the film yet, she's the chipmunk in the pink).

At a pivotal point in the movie, The Chipettes perform a rousing rendition of Single Ladies, and here Molly and Kelly recreate it in the lobby of the movie theater:

Again, let me mention, prouder I could not be.

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